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  • Writer's pictureJanet McLellan

Ready to bloom?!

What is it about bodywork that makes you feel so different?

This is something I've been thinking about and feeling since I first had a massage in Bali and fell in love with this work because of this feeling.

For me, it's not just Body - work, your Mind gets a chance to relax from all the endless chatter of stress, worry, anxiety, fear, future, past, what if's. All without trying, most people tend to find a little or a lot of stillness and peace. Your Heart has a chance to rest from all the awareness of other people around your daily life and just feel you for a while. Moving from being externally-focussed to orienting upon yourSelf and you may become more aware of how you're really feeling right now, what you really want, what you really need to feel at peace. Your Soul pauses from feeling a little blocked as we tend to shut it out a bit while we attend to the social, practical and cultural demands and expectations of daily life. Many of us learned some variation of "I'm not good enough" at a very young age and adapted to fit the world. So that part of you who has always known you are perfect just as you are becomes more embodied in us and we trust ourselves feeling this.

When our Body releases held tension, when our Mind finds stillness, when our Heart finds peace, when our Soul feels welcome, we feel a sense of everything being right, just as it is, no matter what else is going on.

This is where our lives work best, where our health works best, where our bodies rest, repair, heal, where we express ourselves naturally, feel joy and inspiriation and have vibrant energy levels and our brightness feels turned up a few notches. We're more present.

It sounds very deep and meaningful and yet it's also incredibly simple, entirely natural and really effortless. It just happens. Not every time, sometimes we're not so able to let go but when you do, which I see all the time with people, we come into our own natural balance. Feeling safe in our Body, safe in our Mind, safe in our Heart and like the deepest, most beautiful part of us is safe within us and safe in the world.

This is how we are meant to live. Natural balance for a beautiful life.

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