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BodyMind Life Coaching

So often I see clients for a hands-on session and I am aware that, for example, their low back pain is not separate from their lack of support from their family or work situation, which is not separate from a lifelong feeling of not being good enough. This is my own way of working which explores the connections between your thoughts, your body, your emotions, your energy, your patterns, beliefs and habits. In a truly holistic approach, they all affect each other and we can find new ways towards better health and quality of life - aliveness, peace and vibrance by noticing where life is working for you and where it feels not so great.


Have you noticed that when you’re half-slept, you don’t brush off someone’s glib comments but you feel annoyed and worried and your shoulders are tight by the end of the day? Does it make sense to you if I say shoulder pain can arise from having to do something you don’t want to – or not doing something that feels important to you? We ‘do’ with our hands and arms and when we have to stop our natural urge to ‘do’ what feels right to us, this can at times leave the energy of that a bit stuck in our shoulders. Not all shoulder tension is like this but that’s one example. What if I say that when we push difficult emotions to the back of our mind, because we don’t have the time, resources or energy to deal with them, that that can eventually show up as tension in your back, as the aches and pains try to guide us to get on with releasing these stuck emotions so we can move forward in life without them?

Even without the inner-stuff showing up as stiffness or pain, we can tune in so much better to our body to get a feel for what’s working for us and what’s not in our lives. Have you ever been in the situation where you've taken a job or started a relationship which, on paper, seemed like that ‘should’ be a good thing but after a few months, the person or the job turned out to be really draining and now you’re feeling bothered about it on a regular or even daily basis. I’ve had those experiences. I've really learned to trust myself after some hard lessons.

What tends to happen is with our minds we may over-ride our gut instinct about things, rationalise and give a little too much benefit of the doubt where we’d have been best to trust ourselves. We’re taught in our culture to be nice, helpful, try really hard, make sure everyone is ok, which is often right and beautifully human…...but what if your inner self is saying, “what about me?” or “I don’t have a good feeling about this and I’m not sure why,” or “no, that doesn’t sound ok to me”? We go along to get along and we can miss such crucial parts of ourselves and that can end up impacting our health, our joy, our daily quality of life, our relationships, our capacity to trust, our self-esteem and you might spend years being somewhere or doing something that’s not right for you. 

I love working with people, I love seeing my clients get their glowing sense of aliveness back and hearing about how life naturally shifts in unexpected ways in response to that.

This work can be a beautiful complement to the hands-on bodywork we do, where we can work, perhaps alternately, with your body’s physical tension and then the aspects of your life which are feeling less-than-good. Say, a KCR session or massage and the next time you come we’ll do a BodyMind Life Coaching session and see where little shifts can open up your life to more flow, more health, more ease and enjoyment. And then another hands-on session. Lots of little shifts into you feeling better in a whole and lasting way.

Or if you don’t really feel like having a hands-on bodywork session right now but you’d like to try this BodyMind Life Coaching because you feel a bit more rubbish that your senses tell you you need to be, let's do Coaching. You know ‘better’ is out there looking for you, I’ll help you find it.

Did I mention I have some brilliant and deeply effective tools, techniques, approaches to help? I do. All my working life I’ve been looking at emotions, behaviours, how we get to feel full of life and live our lives fully; the impact of - and how we can release - stress, tension and trauma. This has been growing in me for a really long time and it’s already being a way I love working with people.

For the next few weeks, I’m offering your first session at £40 with further sessions being £50 for an hour where we see where you’re at, what you need and what possibilities feel right to you. I promise no “oh, you just have to be positive!” stuff at all, I’ll meet you where you’re at with what’s going on for you and help you feel into your own wise being for what you need because it’s truly your best guide.


There might be a little homework.

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