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Metamorphic Technique

Metamorphic Technique has the potential to release the blocks and patterns which hold

us back from being our true selves in every moment and subtly allows us to transform our



We are moving from who we are now into our potential all the time, just as all of life is

constantly transforming. Like a caterpillar becoming a butterfly, we let go of our old identity

to become something even richer. Our deep nature knows what's ready to shift in us, even

when we don't and clients have reported a real variety of responses including physical

pains easing, a deep sense of peace and clarity where they can make decisions, increased

work opportunities, happiness and increased energy levels.


It's about where you are in life and because your life force, your expanded self (rather than the practitioner's) is in charge of what shifts, it can only be what's right for you. Only what's holding you back will transform as your true self always guides you to your best life. Many feel it's like coming home to yourself.

A session involves us sitting on chairs for an hour together while I do very gentle work on your feet, hands and head. This references the subtle patterns held in our spine, often from our time in the womb. These may be influencing our behaviour, emotional patterns, physical tensions, life changes, beliefs and our health. Freeing them frees our lives and transforms us from the inside out.


It's suitable for everyone, babies and children love it as well as people of any age, including those with mobility issues. Please ask if you'd like to know more!


I am an official member of the Metamorphic Association. I've never found such an incredibly gentle and non-invasive way of working with you.

1 hour     £45

Call me on 07443 524281


Facebook: Janet McLellan, Holistic Bodywork

White Butterfly
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